what an immense week of beach, , sun, food, here come the warm jet sessions/secret backstage gigs, giant screaming lizards ("DAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"), sea battles, piggy backs, bed hopping, bed jumping, sexy time, toe sucking, movie kisses (wink wink nudge nudge), excessive creepiness, excessive anchorman quoting, excessive musical singalongs, need for speed, harry potter, hair cutting, raves, indoor rowing, police raids (411 officer hughes we need backup), boggle and muchh morrrrre
heres the fisheyes
we set off from mine hungover but incredddibly jubilant
dixon was also clearly excited
we got there eventually
bokes walk home with chris and patrice
she rode eeevvvvvvverything maan. the sign reads "At Any Time"
oh classic daveee
theres dave giving us the old thumbs up there
ethan and his cherub like gingerness